Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just finished reading everything there is to read about 3D Printing... NOT

RepRap Logo
When I stumbled upon an article about the The RepRap Project a couple of weeks ago, I got all excited. The idea of a device capable of (partially) replicating itself fascinated me. So, as always when this happens to me, my reaction was to start reading all I could find about it. Well, I tried reading all I could find about it. As there are some many people - mainly so-called 'techies' - involved in the RepRap project, each and every one with his/her own ideas on 3D printing, there is just too much to read.

One thing I learned though, is that there is quite some room - or should I say 'need' - for improvement here and there in order to make 3D printing accesible for what one could call 'The Masses' (actually I mean you and me and every other non 'techie').

OK, so I found my challenge: design an affordable 'Home 3D printer' - adhering to the RepRap priciples - that is fit for use by 'non-techies', hobbyists, tinkerers, makers, students, artists, etc.

I my next post, I will list the design goals. By the way, some commonly available 3D printers for the end-user market - either as a kit or fully assembled - are Mendel, Mende Prusa, Makerbot, etc.

P.S. Any suggestions for requirements are more than welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I could find about it. As there are some many people - mainly so-called 'techies' - involved in the RepRap project, each and every one with his/her own ideas on 3D printing, there is just too much to read. Printing
